Building A Healthy Smile With Our 34997 Dentist


Family Dentistry Of Stuart

Every healthy smile starts with the basics, so take a moment to evaluate your dental hygiene habits. A proper dental hygiene routine consists of brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing every day, and rinsing with mouthwash can help you maintain a healthy smile at home. However, that is not all it takes to keep your smile healthy and strong! Keep reading to learn about the dental health basics from our 34997 dentist. 

General dentists agree that good dental hygiene is essential to keep your smile healthy. Throughout the day, bacteria and food debris collect in your mouth and form plaque. If this plaque hardens on your teeth, it turns into tartar. Tartar can only be removed through the process of scaling, which is done at your dental cleaning. If you miss your dental hygiene routine, even once, it can contribute to the formation of tartar on your teeth. Never go to bed without brushing, and always brush before you eat breakfast. Plaque forms throughout the day and also while you sleep. Brushing after breakfast may actually be bad for your enamel because certain foods and drinks should not be scrubbed into the surface of your teeth, like acidic orange juice. It’s always best to brush first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Brushing too often may lead to enamel erosion and brushing too roughly may hurt your gums. Just gently brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush for an effective cleaning. 

Flossing is a major step in caring for your smile, so don’t forget to do this every day. Gum disease is one of the most common diseases among adults, and it can actually be connected to many other health conditions. Things like heart disease, pregnancy, and diabetes can all have an impact on your gum health. Flossing makes the difference between healthy and unhealthy gums. Our 34997 dentist recommends flossing in a “C” motion every night before you go to bed so that all plaque is removed from between the teeth. Many times, people will quickly floss between teeth and consider the task done. However, this does not effectively clean your teeth. You want to carefully move the floss around each tooth to ensure that each tooth has been properly cared for. 

The best way to ensure that your smile stays healthy is to maintain your regular dental visits. Routine dental cleanings and examinations can help to catch serious oral health issues before they can have a major impact on your smile. Our 34997 dentist can help to alert you of minor issues like gum disease or developing cavities before they can lead to larger problems. Regular cleanings also remove tartar that may have accumulated since your last six-month check-up. While many patients may consider dental cleanings every six months to be optional, they are actually an essential component to building a healthy smile.Ā 

The best time to book a dental cleaning is as soon as possible, so call our office to schedule your next appointment! Contact our 34997 dentist by calling (772) 287-8225 or by filling out a contact form directly on our website.