Reduce Your Risk For Oral Injury With Our Affordable Stuart Dentist


Family Dentistry Of Stuart

You can’t always prevent a dental emergency from occurring, but you may be able to reduce your risk for experiencing an oral injury. The most common types of oral injuries are broken or knocked out teeth. Our affordable Stuart dentist has some simple ways you can protect your smile and reduce your chances of damaging your smile! Keep reading to learn more about how you can reduce your risk of oral injury.

Wear a Mouthguard for Sports

Sports injuries are one of the most common ways people chip or knock out a tooth. This type of injury is even more common in the summertime when people are spending more time outdoors. You can easily protect your smile from a sports injury by wearing a mouthguard. Mouthguards are typically worn for high-contact sports, like football or soccer. There are many different models of mouthguards to accommodate a wide range of oral health needs. Generic mouthguards will typically do the trick when it comes to protecting your smile during sports. More customized options are also available for a more comfortable fit. Ask our affordable Stuart dentist for more information on how to protect your smile with a mouthguard. 

Don’t Open Anything with Your Teeth

Resist the urge to open any bottles, bags, or containers with your teeth! While this action may seem harmless, it can quickly cause some serious damage to your smile. You only get one set of teeth, so make sure you are protecting them from damage. Using your teeth as tools can lead to chips, fractures, and even clean breaks in your tooth’s structure. Never use your teeth to open anything. If you are having difficulty opening something, just ask someone for help. A chipped tooth can be expensive to fix, and it can put your whole smile at risk for infection. Never be reckless with your smile.

Perfect Your Dental Hygiene

A great dental hygiene routine can make all the difference when it comes to your oral health. Dental care may not be able to protect you from an oral injury, but it can greatly reduce your chances of developing an infection. A broken tooth may quickly lead to an oral infection, especially if your smile is already compromised by gum disease or dental decay. Taking great care of your smile is an easy way to reduce your risk for further complications if an emergency occurs. Make sure you are visiting our affordable Stuart dentist every six months to have your smile professionally cleaned and evaluated. Regular smile maintenance can help you detect underlying oral health issues before they become more serious. 

Address Oral Health Issues

Some oral health issues may weaken your teeth and increase your risk for experiencing a dental injury. Weakened teeth or diseased gums could make it easier for you to break a tooth or have a tooth accidentally knocked out. Make sure you are visiting our office every six months for a cleaning and evaluation so that you can stay ahead of any oral health issues. Treating oral health issues quickly can save you from needing more advanced treatment in the future.

Protect your smile from oral injury! Call our affordable Stuart dentist to book your next dental cleaning and evaluation. You can reach our team by calling (772) 287-8225 or by filling out an appointment request form directly on our site. 

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By Family Dentistry Of Stuart
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