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Family Dentistry Of Stuart

Regular dental visits are the best way to protect your oral health and keep your smile bright. Dental cleanings remove tartar that has built up on the surface of your teeth since your previous cleaning six months ago. Tartar can not be removed through regular brushing and flossing; it can only be removed through the process of scaling. That is why it is so important to visit your affordable Stuart dentist every six months. Keep reading to learn more about why dental cleanings are so important.

If you care to keep your smile white, dental cleanings are an essential service. While teeth whitening can do wonders for discoloration, maintaining the effects of whitening through proper dental care is necessary. Plaque and tartar can contribute to the discoloration of teeth, so stay up to date on your regular visits. This process will also help to lift staining that occurs between cleanings. Certain things that we consume often can contribute to discoloration, like coffee or even red sauce. Regular cleanings can help to combat staining that occurs due to the foods and drinks we enjoy. 

Another reason to get regular dental cleanings is because it can help lower your risk for serious oral health issues. Many oral health problems develop slowly over time, and they typically show warning signs when they are still minor issues. Bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, persistent tooth pain, and loose or wiggly teeth can all be warning signs that you have an underlying oral health issue. Regular cleanings give our affordable Stuart dentist a chance to take a close look at your teeth and gums to check for abnormalities. X-rays are often performed about once per year to check for structural concerns within the jaw. Dental cleanings can help alert you to major problems like oral cancer, a dental abscess, or even a simple cavity. Early detection can make a big difference on your treatment outcome, so make sure you are staying current on your dental visits. 

Getting dental cleanings on a regular basis can actually help reduce the cost of your dental care throughout your lifetime. Routine cleanings reduce your risk for oral health issues and protect your smile from more serious problems in the future. Serious oral health problems can turn into emergencies, which are much more expensive to treat. Some emergencies may cost you thousands of dollars, so maintaining a healthy smile is always the preferable alternative. If you are concerned about the cost of your dental care, talk to our affordable Stuart dentist about designing a treatment plan to suit your needs. We believe that every patient should have access to affordable dental care, so we work with families to find low-cost services to meet their dental health needs. 

To learn more about the benefits of low-cost dental care, schedule a dental cleaning with our affordable Stuart dentist. You can reach our office by calling (772) 287-8225 or fill out an appointment request form directly on our site. We look forward to helping you protect your healthy and beautiful smile, so call our office to schedule your next visit.

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