What Does Plaque Do to Your Smile?


Family Dentistry Of Stuart

Plaque and tartar are seriously damaging to your smile, so it is essential that you take excellent care of your smile. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film that collects on your teeth and causes gum disease and dental decay. If not removed, plaque can harden onto your teeth and cause major long term damage. Keep reading to learn more about how plaque affects your smile, and what our Stuart affordable dentist can do to protect your smile.

Plaque is a collection of food, bacteria, and bodily fluids. This sticky film collects on your teeth and gums, and is easily removed by brushing. If plaque is not removed, it hardens into tartar within about 48 hours. It can be difficult to remove plaque from between teeth, which is where dental decay occurs most often. Plaque attacks your teeth and eats away at your enamel, which can leave your smile vulnerable to serious oral health issues. Our teeth only get one layer of enamel, and it can’t be regenerated once it is lost. There are some ways we can help shield your enamel from the harmful effects of plaque and tartar. With proper dental care, regular dental cleanings, proper nutrition, and fluoride treatments, you can help protect your beautiful smile.

Maintain a Nutritious Diet

A nutritious diet can make a huge difference when it comes to your smile. Crunchy fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, dairy products, and water all have major benefits for your teeth and gums. Try to avoid sugar whenever possible, and always clean your teeth after eating. Too much junk food and acidic foods can wreak havoc on your smile, so keep them to a minimum. Of course everything is fine in moderation, but always be sure to brush and floss thoroughly before you go to sleep.

Brush and Floss Thoroughly Each Time

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice per day can do wonders for your smile, but it is not enough on its own. Make sure you are flossing in a “C” motion every night before bed, and rinse with mouthwash to remove food particles. Proper dental care is essential when it comes to having a healthy smile, so don’t skip these important habits!

Ask Our Team About Fluoride Treatments

Topical fluoride treatments can help strengthen your enamel and protect your smile from plaque and tartar. Fluoride treatments are especially great for children, who are typically more at risk for cavities and decay. If you suffer from weakened enamel, our Stuart affordable dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment as an extra layer of defense for your smile. Anyone with tooth sensitivity may also benefit from fluoride, which can help strengthen enamel and reduce feelings of sensitivity.Ā 

Protect your smile by going above and beyond with your dental care! Call our Stuart affordable dentist to schedule your next visit. You can reach our office by calling (772) 287-8225 or by filling out a contact form directly on our site. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile, so call today!